13th Chief Gani Fawehinmi Annual Lecture / Symposium (15th Jan.2017)


For the past 12 years, in honour of Chief Gani Fawehinmi the NBA Ikeja Branch have been organizing an annual lecture/ symposium every 15th of January. This year 2017 wouldn’t for any reason be an exception as the NBA Ikeja branch has made possible a befitting preparation for the event.
This year, the 13th Chief Gani Fawehinmi Annual Lecture / Symposium holds at the Lagos Airport Hotel ( at the Marque), Ikeja on Sunday, 15th January, 2017 by 12 00PM.

In the history of this great event, even in the lifetime of Chief Gani Fawehinmi, the date (15th January) has never been shifted, postponed or changed, just as it is impossible to change the date of Christmas. As a matter of fact, the date is sacrosanct to the date of Call to bar of Chief Gani Fawehinmi, as he was called on the 15th of January, 1965.

Any information or news about the change or postponement of the event is not only a false rumour, but an attempt to sabotage the great ideologies and unforgettable memory of Late Chief Gani Fawehinmi.

The lecture / symposium will hold and it promises to be of great success. There are book gifts for the 1st 100 people to attend the lecture. In previous years, people do sleep over at the venue before the event starts in order to get these books.

Below are some of the pictures from the 2006 event


For the biography of Chief Gani Fawehinmi, click the link below:
Biography of Late Chief Gani Fawehinmi


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