At the recent Justice Research Institute (JRI) Virtual Roundtable themed “Selection and Appointment of Judges: Lessons for Nigeria”, His Excellency, Vice – President Yemi Osibajo GCON, SAN, mentioned that there is need for an urgent, honest and frank conversation about judicial reforms.
The Vice President’s statement cannot be over-emphasized as the Nigerian Judiciary is in dire need of reforms. Currently, citizens and users of the justice system are most unhappy about the state of affairs and have begun to result to other available means to remedy the breach of their rights. It is not so uncommon to see citizens approach the police to resolve commercial disputes or for debt recovery. One cannot in turn blame the citizen since the court system is overly slow and unable to meet the expectation of the citizenry.
This topic and how to fashion a working justice delivery system will be discussed at the WOC Justice Summit holding on Saturday, 22nd August, 2020. Special Guests at the event include His Excellency, the Vice – President of Nigeria, Prof. Yemi Osibajo GCON, SAN; Prof. Fidelis Oditah QC, SAN; Yemi Candice – Johnson SAN; Boma Alabi; Prof. Pat Utomi and Brie Stevens – Hoare, QC. The event will be moderated by Bode Olanipekun SAN, Managing Partner, Wole Olanipekun and Co.
Register for the event immediately via this link https://bit.ly/3aazQnS and stream live on Youtube via this link http://bit.ly/Youtubewocjusticesummit
Let’s build a judicial system that works for all.