Legal Nigeria

Adejuwon Adedeji, Esq. Commends Tiger Bar Leadership, Extends Regards to Members on Ongoing Law Week, and Outlines Assistant Secretary Goals

Adejuwon Adedeji, Esq. wishes members of the prestigious Tiger Bar a joyful law week and congratulates the excos on the launch of the new Bar Library.

Prince Adejuwon ADEDEJI, Esq. (LL.M), a contestant for the office of Assistant Secretary in the forthcoming election of the Branch on the 28th of June, 2024, wishes all members of the prestigious Bar a joyful law week celebration.

In his statement, Adejuwon appreciates the efforts and progress of the present administration under the leadership of Mr. Oluwaseyi Olawumi, Esq., confirming that the present administration has made tremendous progress in the development and administration of the Bar. He therefore emphasizes that the continuous progress of the Tiger Bar lies on the dogged and resilient principles of the incoming executives.

Flowing from the above, he urges all members of the branch to elect its excos based on the 3 C’s – Capacity, Competency, and Credibility.

He further states that in conformity with the NBA Bye-laws as amended, the office of the Assistant Secretary is to strictu sensu assist the Branch Secretary in the performance of its official duties while also cooperating with other executives to deal with various issues.

He states that once elected as the Assistant Secretary of the branch, he shall ensure expedient follow-up with the NBA stamp and seal at the national level.

He stated that as the former Financial Secretary of NBA YLF, Ikeja Branch, and as the former Electoral Committee Chairman. Also, a member of the Government Reform Policy Review Committee and Professional Development Committee in the present exco, he has all it takes to deliver his best when given the opportunity to serve.

“I am a servant-leader; the interest of the Tiger Bar will be of utmost priority and most importantly, I shall endeavor to support the General Secretary to deliver purposeful programmes.”

It must be noted at this point that launching a new library at the Bar center not only assists lawyers in their delivery of service but also develops and strengthens lawyers’ productivity and, invariably, income. He therefore appreciates the present excos for this initiative deserving of accolades.

In his final words, he advises members in the forthcoming election to embrace peace while commending the words of Julien Benda, who says, “Peace is only possible if men cease to place their happiness in the possession of things which cannot be shared, and if they raise themselves to a point where they adopt an abstract principle, superior to their egotism. In other words, it can only be obtained by betterment of human morality.”

Long live Tiger Bar.
Long live Nigeria.