Legal Nigeria

Adesina Adegbite (AA), Candidate For General Secretary Hails NBA Ogoja Branch As It Holds Her 2022 Law Week, Salutes The Leadership

I salute the Nigerian Bar Association, Ogoja Branch as it holds its Annual Law Week, 2022, themed “Rule Of Law & Insecurity in Present day Nigeria”, which takes place from the 20th to 24th of June, 2022.

Adherence to the Rule of Law is cardinal to ensure security in any nation. Persons and institutions should be accountable to laws made for the state and the state in turn should uphold the rule of law in order to ensuring a stable society, with safeguard for lives and properties. The theme of the bar Week is apt, as the issue of Insecurity in Nigeria has sadly become ineluctable narrative in our national life.

I have no doubt in the capacity of the erudite resource persons enlisted for the Law Week to do justice to the very well thought out Theme accordingly.

I wish the Branch Chairman and officers, the Branch leaders and the entire members of Ogoja Branch fruitful deliberations and a very successful Law Week.

Adesina Adegbite, FCIMC (AA)
Past National Welfare Secretary, and Candidate for General Secretary, NBA

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