Legal Nigeria

Alex Muoka: A man of integrity

I, Adebola Olarotimi Lema was a former Secretary of the NBA Lagos Branch between 2014 and 2015, while Alex was Chairman between 2013-2015. In 2013, the NBA Lagos Branch commenced a Group life insurance scheme however upon the death of my predecessor in office, late Babatola Apata (may God bless his soul), who died in active service of the NBA, the scheme was made compulsory.

*At a point some members wondered why the Branch should continue to remit all the premium since the death rate was low and they so proposed. Alex Muoka (then Chairman of the NBA Lagos) stood firm. Alex Muoka thanked those members and informed them he is not willing to do their bidding and the scheme is still active till date. Some colleagues eventually died and their family members were able to receive the insurance claim of N1,000,000.00 per member.*

The lesson here is that we must be ready to defend the integrity of the office we occupy as counsel or as officers of the NBA.

Alex Muoka guarantees integrity. He is the man for the job at hand.

Adebola Olarotimi Lema

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