I join the multitude of your friends, admirers, and acquaintances worldwide to celebrate a great man of honour and accomplishment, a gentleman per excellence, a hard-worker, a professional to the core and a tireless business-man; all rolled into one making you an extra-ordinary and exemplary personality. Human beings can exert energy, Apollo can labour, but it is the faithfulness of God that brings increase.
In the world of Legal Practice, business, philanthropy and service to ones fatherland, God has made you a mark and distinction. You have made your life count for the family, our beloved Profession, the society and the nation at large.
Babalakin & Co. Legal Practitioners marking also its 32nd Year Anniversary, no doubt has made a mark in the world of Legal Practice, both in Nigeria and beyond. I celebrate with the entire members of this frontline legal firm. You are a leader in the Profession.
To my brother, B.O.B., as he is fondly called and my Call-mate, may you continue to be a source of inspiration and aspiration.
Happy 60th Birthday from Dele Adesina SAN and Dele Adesina LP