The National Executive Committee is the second highest decision making organ of the Nigerian Bar Association. Second only to the Annual General Meeting which is a gathering of all Nigerian lawyers.
Many lawyers are usually indifferent about large meetings like this and do not give necessary attention to it only to turn around to complain when unfavorable decisions are taken. We need to change this attitude and become more interested in gatherings where important decisions are made in order to improve our profession and our country.
As I warmly welcome NEC members to the city of Jos, Plateau State for the time taking hard job of deliberating issues that will improve the legal profession and the country, I ask you as a lawyer, what are your expectations? How are you holding your leaders and representatives accountable? How are you playing your own part?
Incase you did not know, the constitution of the NBA provides for the composition of NEC as follows:
- National Officers;
- All past Presidents and General Secretaries;
- All Chairmen and Secretaries of registered Branches;
- Chairmen and Secretaries of Sections and Fora;
- Other deserving members of the Association co-opted by the National Executive Council provided always that the total number of the co-opted members shall not exceed 150 (one hundred and fifty) the composition of which shall be as follows:
a. Senior Advocates of Nigeria – 30;
b. Senior Members, other than Senior Advocates of Nigeria, who are over 25 ycars post call – 30;
c. Active members of 10 years post call but below 25 years post call – 45
d. Past National Officers other than Past Presidents and General Secretaries – 10
e. Special interest groups – 20
vi. Active members who are less than 10 years post call – 15
The constitution of the NBA also gives very enormous powers to the NEC to:
- Exercise control and management over the finances of the Association including the
Appointment of suitable Bankers for that purpose; - Exercise the powers of the Association with respect to the appointment of representatives to any Statutory, Executive/Judicial Commissions, or other bodies;
- Express the views of the Association upon any matters of public interest or upon any
matters ofgeneral interest to the Legal Profession; - Make all necessary arrangements for the Annual General Meeting through the National Secretariat of the Association;
- Cause the accounts of the Association to be audited annually by a professional firm of auditors, appointed by the Annual General Meeting,
- Generally, exercise all the powers vested in the Association (except those powers reserved for an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meetings of the Association) so as to promote and carry out the aims and objectives of the Association
as contained in this Constitution, and in particular, when the need arises, to apply for
and receive donations on behalf of the Association: and - Entertain petitions and complaints pertaining to disputes arising from
the administration of Branches, and take such decisions or give such directives as may be necessary.
The foregoing is explicit on why every lawyer should be interested in NEC and why the quarterly meetings are important.
When we know better, we do better. The image of the NBA can be better if we know better.
Charles Ajiboye(KSM) FICMC, FCAI, ACIS
National Assistant Publicity Secretary
Charles is currently consulting to serve as the Publicity Secretary of the NBA.