Children are precious gifts from God, with inestimable value and inalienable rights. It is for this reason and many more that in 1989, World Leaders made a historic commitment to the World’s Children, by unanimously adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Essentially, this Convention portrays children as not being objects who belong to their parents, for whom decisions are made for but as human beings and individuals with their own rights.
In recognizing the precious nature of children, 27th May of every year has been set aside to specially celebrate children in Nigeria. Today, I join millions of mothers and fathers out there to celebrate our children and to wish them a Happy Children’s Day. As a mother, I enjoin all mothers today to help our children to grow, learn, play, develop and flourish with dignity, for they are the future of tomorrow. We must respect their various rights as encapsulated in the Convention and provide them with happiness, particularly in this trying times occasioned by the current Global Pandemic. As parents, we all have a role to play in treasuring our children. Collectively, we must promote unity amongst our children and equally improve their welfare. I urge us all to put a smile on a child’s face today.
Joyce Oduah, FICMC
Past NBA National Treasurer, 2012 – 2014.