COVID-19 Curtailment: Dele Adesina SAN Suspends all Travels for 14 Days, Prays for an End to the Pandemic


Principal partner at Dele Adesina and Co. and past General Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association, Dele Adesina, SAN has announced he will suspend all travel, attendance at bar gatherings for 14 days in the latest response to the pandemic caused by the coronavirus outbreak.

Mr. Adesina, SAN wrote in a statement Monday:

” I am compelled to issue this notice on the current threat posed by COVID-19 otherwise known as coronavirus as it affects the safety of our members and by extension our families and the society at large. As at 12.00 noon today, Monday 23rd of March 2020, the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control reported that there are now thirty-six (36) confirmed cases in Nigeria.

“There is no doubt that coronavirus is a scourge threatening to diminish humanity. The virus must be stopped from further spreading and no sacrifice can be too much to achieve this goal in the interest of our families and the society. The truth is that we must stay alive.”

He said said: “As leaders and members of our great Profession, we must appreciate the strategic gains of the principle of “be your brother’s keeper”. My desire for you to live supersedes my desire for votes. It is my belief that we must not underestimate the risk and the threat posed by this ravaging scourge. We must obey the directive of SOCIAL DISTANCING by the World Health Organisation and other directives on restriction on social gatherings by the Authorities in this country.

“According to Professor Bola Olayinka, Infection, Prevention and Control Specialist, “social distancing is the best control measure to prevent spread.”

”It is common knowledge that schools are being closed down, fixed sport engagements are being postponed, international airlines are being restricted from flying into the country, gathering at worship centres are also being limited to specific numbers. Some State Judiciary like Lagos and Anambra States have issued Practice Directions giving priority to limited category of cases for hearing subject to maximum of twenty (20) persons per time in the Court-room. Some State Governments are directing their civil servants to work from home, in order to curb the menace that is threatening the society. It is a war that we must fight collectively with all sense of responsibility and firm commitment.

”In the circumstances therefore, I am constrained to put a hold on further travels warranting further gathering of our members in compliance with the safety measures being put in place by Governments and international health authorities

Adesina, SAN continued: ”Recognising as I do that patriotism must always guide our aspirations. This decision will be reviewed within the next Fourteen (14) days with a prayerful hope that God will terminate the pestilence within that period.

;;In all this, please be my true friends. True friends are those who never leave our hearts even when we are out of sight. Let not my idea and my aspiration leave your heart during the pendency of this temporary restriction of our meetings.

”Meanwhile, I shall be in constant communication with you online. It is my prayer that God will make this earth a safe place for our dwelling. Together we must fight the scourge and speak to the earth to reject the virus. It is not part of God’s creation.

Let us all remain as patriots and custodians of our nation and guardians of our people at this period”.

Dated 23rd of March, 2020

Dele Adesina SAN FCI.Arb
Past General-Secretary,
Nigerian Bar Association


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