Legal Nigeria

Gadzama, Charles Ajiboye,FICMC to speak at NBA-YLF Ado Branch 1st Public Lecture.

The NBA-YLF Ado Branch holds her 1st Public Lecture.

Theme: Enriching Legal Advocacy for Young Lawyers; Essence of Pupilage

Date: Friday, 9th day of July, 2021 @ 11am
Venue: a. Zoom
b. NBA Ado Bar Centre.

It’s going to happen – at some point in our legal career that we will have to come out from behind our desk, stand up, and speak to a Judge. For some, it will be awesome, but others, terrifying.

For many lawyers, their first Court appearance is a combination of exhilaration, terror, over-preparation and anti-climax. After all – it’s usually a fairly low key event (an adjournment, a consent order or the like). For some, they’ve already had experience instructing counsel at a hearing and so they have a feel for the environment and the procedure. Of a truth, nothing quite prepares them for the first time they open their mouth.

The workshop is divided into four session; Litigation Skills, Legal Drafting, Office Setup and Remuneration.

The Office Setup and Remuneration will be handled by Charles Ajiboye,Esq.,FICMC of The Penthouse Law. The session will focus on the rudiments and basics of Starting a Law Office. It will simplify the big issues and give clarity to Young Lawyers who are on the verge of starting their own law offices.

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