Legal Nigeria

I Find Dele Adesina,SAN To Be an Effective Administrator Who Has Compassion For People. – Kolawole Peters Dopamu

The NIGERIAN BAR ASSOCIATION has released names of candidates screened to contest the post of the PRESIDENT of the Association.

I KOLAWOLE PETERS DOPAMU have weighed all the options available and I must confess that all the contestants are men of great influence and character.

However, I have no hesitation in declaring my support for the PRIMUS INTER PARES amongst them. He is DEACON DELE ADESINA (SAN). DASAN

In declaring my support for DASAN I considered inter alia integrity, character, resourcefulness, experience in bar politics and conflict resolution prowess. I also considered relational proficiency of the candidates. I weighed each candidate on an imaginary scale before coming to the choice I made.

I find DASAN to be an effective administrator who has compassion for people. He is sympathetic to noble causes and exceptionally benevolent to needy souls.

I have known DASAN since the glorious days of Human Rights struggles as a pupil counsel in Gani Fawehinmi Chambers and I can only testify that he is a man with great vision and passion.

NBA is in dire need of a revolutionary. One who can bring the association to par with 21st century realities. DASAN exemplifies the essence of the yearnings of all men in wigs and gowns, old wigs and greenhorns!

I am persuaded that DASAN is THE MAN FOR THE JOB
I am convinced that DASAN will DELIVER
I am satisfied that DASAN will take NBA to the desired eldorado

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