Let me join the multitude of your admirers, seniors, colleagues and juniors alike to say big congratulations to a quintessential Lawyer and a forensic Advocate, on his attainment of Twenty-Five (25) years of conferment with the prestigious rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) today. In July this year, he would be Forty (40) years at the Bar. This is by all means a great achievement to a committed and dedicated legal practitioner. In court-room advocacy, Mr Joseph Bodurin Daudu SAN, simply known and called JB in Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) circles, is a giant though very civil, courteous but very firm and decisive advocate.
In the words of John Maxwell, “Successful and unsuccessful people do not really vary greatly in their abilities; they only vary in their desires to reach their potentials.” JB attained reached his potentials very early in life. It is on record that JB attained the prestigious rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria at the age of fifteen (15) years at the Bar and President of the NBA at the age of thirty (30) years post-call. JB is currently the Chairman of the Legal Practitioners’ Disciplinary Committee (LPDC).
At one of his private discussions with me recently, he espoused the responsibility of the legal profession, particularly its leadership to participate in the business of nation-building by being honest and honourable in their dealings, fearless in their approach and be courageous at all times to speak truth to principalities and powers. Those who knew his Presidency of the NBA between 2010 and 2012 will readily recall the strong and well-articulated opposition of the NBA to the policy of government on fuel increase and abolition of fuel subsidy.
Recognising as I do that the foundation of God stands sure; I pray that the grace of God will continue to be sufficient for you. May the peace of God which is the forerunner of the God of Peace abide with you continually. Once again congratulations.
Dele Adesina SAN