Legal Nigeria

Joyce Oduah FCIMC: Supremely fit for purpose at the NBA Secretariat – Abubakar Wada Esq, endorses Joyce Oduah for the office of General Secretary

Joyce Oduah has an extraordinary gift of leadership and character that match the demands of today’s NBA;she is
a candidate with a bold and innovative vision that greatly inspires commited and impactful membership of the NBA..

She is a tested and trusted leader with enduring legacies of service at various levels and capacities;she is equally an extraordinary mentor who cares passionately about the welfare and enpowerment of members

She is a brilliant minded role model for effective service delivery, which excites the hopes and aspirations of members of the NBA for a better deal from the Secretariat.

Joyce Oduah is a consummate insider whose mastery of the inner workings of the NBA at branch and national levels is quite outstanding.

The brilliant and hard-working Amazon has a long record of service in Secretarial roles in the corporate world and in the NBA that would impact greatly on the Secretariat and ensure better service delivery.

In Joyce Oduah the NBA would have a Scribe with abundant experience and capacity to effectively administer the NBA Secretariat,perform creditably the duties of the General Secretary of the NBA and advance the causes that serve the collective interests of members.

The Amazing Amazon certainly epitomizes competence, excellence, fidelity, dedication, resilience and sacrifice in service to the NBA.

The Quintessential lady of the Bar is a pacesetter with uncommon capacity to bequeath transformational legacies of service.

Abubakar Wada Esq.
MoJ/Bauchi Branch.

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