Legal Nigeria

Joyce Oduah FICMC Commiserates with family of Chief I.R and NBA Owerri Branch

Joyce Oduah,FICMC

I extend my sincere condolences to the family of Chief I.R. Eke, a member of NBA Owerri Branch, who died on Friday, the 10th day of April, 2020.

He was a well respected bar man and will be sorely missed for his outstanding roles and contributions to the legal community, especially in Owerri.

Death is a reminder that we all have limited time to make impact in our sphere of influence. We are glad that our colleague lived a life worthy of remembrance.

My prayers are with his family and the NBA Owerri Branch. May the good Lord speak peace and comfort to you at this time of grief.

Accept my sincere condolences, and stay safe.

Notary Public
Former National Treasurer, NBA 2012-2014.

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