Joyce Oduah, FICMC Congratulates New Exco of NBA Aba, Jalingo, Enugu, Port Harcourt, Ilorin, Umuahia and Other Branches


I most heartily felicitate the newly elected executive members of the NBA Aba, Jalingo, Enugu, Port Harcourt, Ilorin, Umuahia and Other Branches, on their resounding and well deserved victory at the just concluded NBA Branches. Indeed, their victory at the poll is a clear testimony of the confidence reposed in them by the members of the Branch. I am confident too that they will manage the affairs of their various Branches in the most dignified manner. I encourage and charge them to hit the ground running immediately upon inauguration. NBA is a noble and united Association and as such, we should not allow election to divide us. I enjoin all candidates in the election to work together towards advancing their Branches.

Indeed, the outgoing administrations and the Branches’ Electoral Committees deserve commendation for their resilience, dedication, industry and effort in conducting a peaceful, credible and transparent elections. This is clearly a precedent for future NBA elections be it at the national or branch level. For this I say many hearty congratulations to the various NBA Branches.

Joyce Oduah, FICMC

National Treasurer, 2012-2014


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