I extend my heartfelt congratulations and commendations to each and every person who contributed to the remarkable success of the 2023 FIDA AGC/AGM.
Mrs. Amina Agbaje, your leadership as the Country Vice President has been inspiring. Your dedication and commitment to the cause of FIDA Nigeria have undoubtedly played a pivotal role in making the AGC/AGM a resounding success. I applaud your tireless efforts in steering our organisation towards greater heights.
To the National Excos, the Chairperson of FIDA Edo, the Exco, and the diligent planning committee, I sincerely appreciate your hard work and meticulous planning. It is evident that your dedication and attention to detail have resulted in a well-executed conference that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the advancement of women’s rights and the well-being of vulnerable populations in Nigeria.
And to all FIDANS, your active participation, enthusiasm, and commitment to the objectives of FIDA were evident throughout the AGC/AGM. Your collective energy and passion are the driving force behind our success, and I commend each of you for your invaluable contributions.
As we move forward, let us carry the spirit of unity and purpose that defined the AGC/AGM into our daily endeavours. Together, we can continue to make significant strides in promoting justice, equality, and empowerment for women and vulnerable groups in our beloved country.
Once again, congratulations on a job well done. I am honoured to be a part of such a dedicated and accomplished group of individuals.
Joyce Oduah FICMC
Principal Partner Joyce & Okey Oduah LP
Vice President West Africa (PALU)
Imm. Past General Secretary NBA
Fmr. Council Member International Bar Association