Joyce Oduah, FICMC’s, Agenda on a functional E-library and National Law Library for all Lawyers



Dear Colleagues

The importance of a library to a lawyer cannot be overemphasized. It is an indispensable asset to a legal practitioner. Just like a studio is sacrosanct to a musical artiste, the library is very essential to a lawyer. Sadly, the library at the NBA National Secretariat is not well equipped with up-to-date laws, law books and law reports. How can a law library in the NBA National Secretariat not have up-to-date Laws of the Federation and law reports? It is in recognition of the importance of a library that the NBA Constitution in Section 3 (10) makes the establishment of a National Law Library in the country one of the objectives of the NBA.

When elected as the General Secretary, I will, in collaboration with the NBA President, equip the law library at the NBA National Secretariat with up-to-date laws, law reports and law text books on various areas of law. I will ensure the library is managed by a professional librarian, who will also assist with use of legal database. I believe such project will not only be beneficial to the NBA Secretariat staff, but also to our colleagues who may desire to use the library. For me, the NBA library should be accessible to all lawyers. There are so many young lawyers who cannot procure law reports or law text books. Lawyers under this category can therefore use the resources in the NBA library free of charge.
Aside updating the library, I will work with the NBA President to establish a fully functional e-library for the NBA National Secretariat which will be accessible to all lawyers across the Federation. The e-library will be fully equipped with ultra-modern e-learning resource materials. This will provide very user-friendly interfaces and will be easily accessible on a 24/7 basis to all members of the NBA irrespective of their locations. The e-library will comprise primary materials like statutes, case law, patents, treaties, and secondary materials like text books, loose-leaf material, journals, legal dictionaries, directories and encyclopedias. It will also contain legal indexes and digests which will assist in legal research process. I believe the e-library will enhance easy access to the NBA resources and materials.

In addition, I will advocate for the creation of a National Law Library in the country as required under our Constitution. I will also advocate for and equally support the establishment of law libraries in the Secretariats of the NBA Branches.

I therefore solicit your support, with the greatest humility, to serve as the NBA General Secretary in order to be able to actualize these plans.

Joyce Oduah, FICMC
Candidate for the Office of General Secretary.


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