Legal Nigeria

Joyce Oduah,FICMC Commiserates With NBA and YLF, Ahoada Branch over The Painful loss of Prince Nwerem, Esq

My deepest condolences to the family of Prince Nwerem, Esq who was a member of NBA Ahoada Branch.

He was the Chairman of the Young Lawyers Forum of the Branch and was sold old to the growth and development of the Bar, especially the cause of young lawyers.

It is indeed sad that he left when the Bar needs him most. He will be missed for his great commitments.

In this time of grief, my prayers are with his family and the NBA Ahoada branch, especially the Young Lawyers Forum. The Almighty will speak peace and comfort to you.

Accept my deepest condolence and stay safe.

Notary Public
Former National Treasurer, NBA 2012-2014.

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