Joyce Oduah,FICMC, General Secretary, NBA Condemns the murder of Adaeze Ikpeama and Charges women to speak up against Violence.

Joyce Oduah,FICMC, General Secretary, NBA

It is heartwrenching that in this time and era domestic violence continues to plague our society. The alleged murder of our very own Adaeze Ikpeama by someone who she had during the course of their short and ill-fated union considered a partner and a protector leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

To cut another’s life short in such a repellently frightful manner is terribly inhumane and
as an ardent advocate against domestic violence, I condemn vehemently the physical, emotional, sexual, psychological and verbal abuse carried out against any individual.

I am using this medium to urge and encourage our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters going through any form of violence to speak up and take the necessary steps to ensure their safety, as that is the topmost priority.

It is salient for us women to understand that abuse doesn’t just affect us adversely but equally affects persons around us, especially our children. Children exposed to violence in the home, most times, turn out to be victims of physical abuse themselves.
— They are at risk of experiencing long-term physical and mental health problems.

  • – They are at risk of being violent in their future relationships.

The circumstances surrounding Adaeze Ikpeama’s untimely death wouldn’t be treated as “business as usual” as the perpatrator would certainly be brought to book.

Justice shall prevail.

Joyce Oduah FICMC
General Secretary, NBA



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