Legal Nigeria

Law as a Business: CAREER GAME – By Charles Ajiboye,FICMC

I have defined it as the attitude and skill you put to your daily acts in the course of building your career or Law business.
Many times we are so consummated with the big picture that we forget that pictures are made of pixels (the smallest controllable element of a picture represented on the screen).
The discussion is about the pixels. The smallest elements of your law career and law business that makes the big picture.
I say this all the time, the people you should be most careful about are your closest friends and colleagues(of course your employers and clients too). People you have worked so closely with that they can be said to be authorities when it comes to their opinion of you.
Someone is going to meet with them one day to ask about you and you won’t be there to explain why you played a poor game most of the time you were with them. Worst still, their perception of you will determine their judgement and will affect their recommendations of you.
You are been watched daily. You are being observed. You are taking a very big risk by playing a game lesser than your A-game. You are also watching others unknowing to you.
If you want a great law career, and law business, you must be concerned about your Career Game.

Do your Colleagues know you are lazy, evasive, with a terrible attitude, argumentative, difficult, a gossip, back bitter etc
Do your Clients think of you as a dull and lazy lawyer? Or they see you as hardworking, proactive and as a person of integrity .
What do they know or perceive your law firm to be?
It’s okay not to be loved, that’s not something you can determine. But to be respected…you can determine that. Yes, you can earn that one.

Your everyday attitude to work is the ultimate determinant of your eventual career achievement. It is the total of your daily actions.
So, what exactly is your Career Aspiration?

What kind of Lawyer do you see yourself as?

What kind of Law Business are you building?
You need to answer those questions. It’s only then we can work backwards to consider your Career Game to see if the pixels can deliver your big picture.

Input determines Output. You get what you are.
You’ll have to do a personal check and self/corporate evaluation. Only then can all these make tangible sense.

Change your Game and Change your results.

Happy Easter Holidays

Feel free to share these and enjoy the game.
Charles Ajiboye,Esq.,FICMC

The above article was culled from Law as Business Forum.
Law as a Business is a forum/ gathering of successful lawyers deepening their knowledge of the Business of Law, convened by Charles Ajiboye,FICMC (Partner, The Penthouse Law and Former Publicity Secretary, NBA Ikeja) via a Whatsapp Chat Conversation. You may join on WhatsApp via the link below:

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