Dear Delegate of the Section on Legal Practice (SLP) Conference,
My introduction to Asaba was in the pages of Nigerian history books and it was awry. The Asaba Massacre was one of the saddest points of the bloody and terrible Civil War. The pains and memories remain but Asaba is growing out of it and it is blossoming with bliss and beauty.
Apologies to you if you do not understand Igbo, ‘ASABA AMAKA’ means Asaba is Beautiful. And you are welcome to Asaba my home Branch.
The need to ensure that the terrible history of Asaba massacre is not repeated birthed the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). The NYSC is the reason I have found a home in this gentle city. Asaba offers everyone a peaceful atmosphere and do ensure you make the best of it.
The name of the major market is a tongue twister – Ogbeogonogo – but even when you make mistakes, the Keke man knows where you’re headed. Onitsha is 10 minutes from Asaba (if the Niger bridge permits) and its main market offers everything you may wish to buy.
Other attractions include Mungo Park’s House and a brilliant view of the River Niger. And if you ever catch me in the course of the conference, I will be happy to take you to Ogbeosowa, Ugbomanta Quarters, the very site of the gory massacre, that you and I may know and acknowledge the last breathing place of some of our real heroes past.
Nnor, e bia go Asaba.
(Welcome, you have come to Asaba)