Leadership Quotes by Dele Adesina,SAN


Times such as this require honest, purposeful and focused leadership with relevant and verifiable experience and record of past successful services to the Profession and to the Association with the requisite character, competence and capacity to galvanize our members both leaders and followers, old and young, in order to reconstruct our profession.

The time has come when we all, most particularly you the leaders of tomorrow, must resolve to produce leaders who will be driven by the passion to serve the Bar and better the standard of living of its Members. Beyond politics and politricks is the welfare and wellbeing of our Members and the survival of the Profession.

Culled from Dele Adesina SAN’s Goodwill Message To The Young Lawyers Forum (Y.L.F) Ilorin Branch, on the occasion of their Annual Bar Dinner which held on 7th December, 2019


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