Legal Nigeria



Dear learned Silks, Seniors, Colleagues and friends.

My name is Oluwaseun Aka Esq. Popularly known as SEUN AKA OF NIGERIA. I was called to the Bar in 2012. I once served as the Assistant Secretary NBA Ikorodu branch 2018-2020 as well as former Branch Secretary NBA Ikorodu 2020-2022.

I hereby present myself to serve you all in the capacity of ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY of our great association the NBA, the largest Bar in Africa.

The Secretariat of any organization is synonymous with what engineers and biologist will call “engine room” and “mitochrondria” respectively. There is no gain saying that a reputable and pace setting organization like the NBA needs the best qualified, trusted, guaranteed hands and most especially an experienced officer to occupy such a very sensitive office.

Indeed the position of the General Secretary is the substantive office of the secretariat, such General Secretary must however be constitutionally assisted by a well experienced personality. My being the ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY of our great Association will galvanize the workings and the smooth operations of the secretariat.

In the past 12 years, I have been groomed, trained, shaped and positioned to take up these tasks both intrinsically and extrinsically. Being the ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY of this great Association is not a time to learn on the job, it is a time to bring to bear the cuttingedge skills I have acquired in the course of being the Assistant Secretary and Branch secretary of NBA Ikorodu between 2018 and 2022.

Specifically, I have strong organizational skills and attention to details, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, ability to work effectively in a team and support the General Secretary and other executive members , Strict confidentiality and professionalism in handling sensitive information, strong work ethics and dedication to the goals of the association. All these qualities I have exhibited at the branch level as assistant secretary and branch secretary of NBA Ikorodu, I can do more at the national level.

Section 9(5)(f) of the NBA Constitution 2015 as amended in 2021 clearly spelt out the duties for the AGS which are;

  1. Shall assist the General Secretary in the performance of his/her duties and shall in the absence of the General Secretary act in his/her place.
  2. Shall perform all other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President, the General Secretary, the National Executive Council, the National Executive Committee, or the Annual General Meeting.
    However, a smart and experienced ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY of NBA should know that the provisions of section 9(5)(e) of NBA Constitution as amended relating to the office of the GENERAL SECRETARY indirectly applies to him or her as duty may call on the officer to perform such duties.

It is based on the above premises; I promise you that I shall;

  1. Dutifully, diligently and maturely perform all the duties imposed on me in the most professional manner expected of a well experienced officer of the NBA.
  2. I shall assist the general secretary in organizing and coordinating the activities of the association, assist in the planning and execution of meetings, events and projects. Additionally, I shall give enormous support to the general secretary in implementing decisions and policies approved by the executive committee, NEC and AGM.
    Aside from performing the above,
  3. I shall as an executive officer of the NBA robustly contribute to decision making of the National Executive Committee that will bring about the greatest benefit to all our members.
  4. I shall timeously bring to the attention of the General Secretary issues affecting members that may be brought to my attention.

As a technological driven lawyer,

  1. I shall with the support of the General Secretary ensure that we continue to improve on the use of technology in handling our affairs as lawyers. The present administration has taken a giant stride; I shall ensure that we do more because it is my fervent believe that it can always get better. To this end, I shall work with the GS to ensure that all branches that have functional websites are linked to the National website. A click on the national website will take a member to Lagos, Ikeja, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Kaduna, Kano, Aba, Isiokpo, Ilorin, Ikorodu branches of NBA e.t.c
  2. I shall also work to ensure that we have a strong database for all resolutions of NBA i.e NEC and AGM. A compendium of all NBA resolution is achievable.
  3. As a one-time Branch Secretary and NEC member, I know as a matter of fact that most decisions affecting members are usually taken by the National Executives and such decisions are later presented to NEC for approval and in some cases for ratification where such decisions have been carried out. I shall be strongly pushing, advocating and canvassing for an increase in the share of Bar Practicing Fee given to branches. The current 10% should be increased to 20-30% for our 132 branches. A simple resolution of National Executive Council suffices where constitutional amendment seems tedious. The additional 20% could be termed a stabilization fund or any other nomenclature can be ascribed to it. Where there is a will, there will always be a way. The branches need the money to effectively carry out their activities. The branches are where the lawyers are. For clarity, I shall ONLY be pushing for this increment, if I get the buy-in of other executive officers and stakeholders, the better for the Bar.
  4. I shall also be pushing for resolutions that will aid and positively impact on the practice and livelihood of members and most especially young lawyers who are mostly at the receiving end of the problems associated with our profession such as poor remuneration and snail pace justice delivery. NEC is the ideal platform to tackle issues like this.

These are part of my promises to you; I believe that we can improve on the stamp and seals for members in terms of prompt delivery. We can decentralize the production units to at least 3 places such as Abuja, Lagos and Port Harcourt. This will ultimately reduce the time taking for production and delivery. No doubt we are set for a seamless secretariat. Ultimately, it is my desire to ensure that the General Secretary succeeds at all cost. The interest of the members of this great association shall be paramount to me at all times. This is my pact with you; you can hold me accountable for what I promised. Let’s walk this path together and you will be glad you did.

My name is SEUN and I am ready.

Together we can!