NBA, Excellent Branch Revives Abandoned Secretariat

Within the past few months, members of the Nigerian Bar Association, Ikeja Branch, have experienced a sudden transformation of the Secretariat as progressive renovation and continuation of construction resumed a few months ago. Due to the extent of the work going on, the branch meeting for the month of May could not hold at the secretariat, the usual meeting venue of the branch, the meeting rather held at a different location. 
The building of the Excellent branch secretariat had been abandoned with structural defects for a very long while and it was a great delight for members to see dead bones rise again, as many had already lost hope of seeing the completion of the secretariat within a decade. 
The leadership of the branch has indeed been focused on the successful completion of the building and it may be indeed completed within a few months going by the speed with which work is being done. The present administration has indeed revived the hope of its members and triggered the enthusiasm of the excellent members of Ikeja Branch. 
Fingers are crossed and anxieties are heightened as the non-stop work continues to dazzle members.
Provided there is continued financial support, the branch is set to complete the two story building with a Penthouse atop. 
Congratulations are actually in order at this present time as the present administration is set to attain a feat worthy of celebration.


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