NBA Ikeja Branch Elections: Sherifat Bolanle Busari’s Manifesto for Treasurer


As the bye election of the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, Ikeja Branch draws closer, Treasurer candidate, Sherifat Bolanle Busari provides information on what she would contribute to the Branch as Treasurer.

The by election is scheduled to hold on Friday August 27, 2021.

Sherifat Bolanle Busari: Manifesto

I pledge to work in conjunction with the other Executive Officers of the Branch to further promote unity and corporate existence. I pledge to work in line with and carry out lawful directives of the Chairman and the General Meeting in all matters relating to but not limited to safe keeping of the Branch Cheque Book and other related promissory notes as well as budgetary financial analysis.

I pledge to uphold the best global practice standard of up to date financial information.
I pledge to provide the required financial information to support decision making process whenever the Chairman and the General Meeting deems fit. I pledge to take care and keep proper record of finance of the Branch with a view to overseeing and work towards minimising financial risk for the Association at the Branch level.

I pledge to, in the discharge of my lawful duty, encourage going into viable investment to improve the Association’ finances at the Branch level provided it will not conflict or be in variance with the provision of the NBA Uniform Bye-Law 2015.

I pledge to manage the inflows and outflows of Branch monies and take proper custody of the Branch Account; in line with the provision of the extant Uniform bye-Law 2015 with a view to discourage and prevent defective internal control system.

So help me God.
Sherifat Bolanle Busari.


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