Legal Nigeria

Recap: Law as a Business (3) by Charles Ajiboye,FICMC

Last week. 19th February, 2020 at the 3rd edition of the Law as a Business Chat by Charles Ajiboye, FICMC, it was a terrific session.

For those who missed it, read the chat below: Remember, it’s a chat.

Good evening greats
I’m excited today again
Another opportunity to engage with solid prosperous lawyers
We welcome our newbies
It’s been an amazing time in the short period
Our chat begins in 10minutes
Are you ready????????
I’ll like to listen more today
I’ll love to hear more stories and listen to questions being answered
Can we make this real
How nice it would have been to have the link of the last two episodes posted to enable our freshest catch up fast
@legalnigeria sir…that initiative was apt. Thanks

[5:54 PM, 2/19/2020] +234 906 890 ****: Meanwhile, good evening everyone. I’m Ikem Ede. Great to be here
[5:59 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Welcome brother, it’s good to have you here
[6:02 PM, 2/19/2020] +234 906 890 *****: Cheers Bruv

[6:04 PM, 2/19/2020] Olajide Ajibowo: Dear Treasured Colleague,

I welcome you to Law as a Business. The bio says a lot already.

We will drop a Law Business video weekly and discuss same at our Law Business Chat on Wednesday every week for 30minutes.

I will also share different Publicity activities that Charles Ajiboye is involved in. Hoping you will be kind enough to help share them.

The platform will help us learn the Business of Law from each other, and help Charles Ajiboye leverage on your goodwill and network for his aspiration to serve as National Assistant Publicity Secretary of the NBA in no distant time.

Please, only posts related to the above are welcome here to avoid distractions and dilution of purpose.

I assure you that it will be worth your while.

Please feel free to engage and invite your friends.

Olajide Ajibowo, Esq.

[6:06 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Today we will consider Leading People in a Law Business
[6:07 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: I trust we have all watched the video of the week
[6:07 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: It is important to work for a dream and not a paycheck

[6:07 PM, 2/19/2020] Olajide Ajibowo: Hello Greats,

Trust your day has been great. As usual, we shall be having our Law Business Chat this Wednesday evening at 6pm.

We shal be discussing the the topic: Leading People in a law Business It will be brief, and I hope we will take the time to share our individual thoughts on the topic.

Lets feel free to share the link to invite our friends.

Charles Ajiboye,FICMC
Partner, The Penthouse Law
Pub. Sec. NBA, Ikeja Branch

[6:07 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: But it is better to work for a paycheck where there is no dream
[6:09 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: It is the owner of the Law Business that shares the dream of the business

[6:12 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: As we all desire to grow into prosperous lawyers we must learn to lead people
[6:13 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: I have seen law firms start and exist for years with only a single lawyer
[6:14 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: People come and go
[6:14 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: The going itself is not a problem

[6:14 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: It’s is the staying of the player on the team
[6:14 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: When and whilst a player remains, how well are you able t show leadership
[6:15 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: How well are you able to deliver quality follower-ship as well
[6:15 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: The responsibility of leading is actually upwards and downwards

[6:16 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: It is important for you as a law business owner to communicate your vision to your team players
[6:20 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Have you ever been in a law business where you were not sure if the future of both the firm or the vision?
[6:20 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Please share how it felt
+234 808 787 4055 joined via an invite link
[6:21 PM, 2/19/2020] +234 806 860 ****: Frustrating. Like you’re in a limbo.

[6:22 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: I can imagine
[6:23 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: For most people, particularly millennials a firm without leadership is worse than a firm with leadership and poor pay;true?
[6:23 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Most young people are concerned about the future
[6:23 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: They want to know exactly what is in the firm for them
[6:24 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Despite the mass mobility in career, it may interest you that people still remain in certain firms for a long period
[6:24 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: The simple reason is leadership
[6:25 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: It is very easy to throw stones and cast aspersions on Seniors and owners of law forms of old
[6:25 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: But how must are you rightSKILLING
[6:25 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: How much are you upSKILLING
[6:25 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: How much are you reSKILLING
[6:26 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: You can’t trash leadership in the building of your Law Business
[6:26 PM, 2/19/2020] Olajide Ajibowo TPS: ??
[6:26 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: To be a boss is mediocre
[6:26 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: To be a leader is the bomb
[6:26 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: It deliver ROI…Return on Interest

[6:27 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: A lot better returns than Return on Investment

[6:27 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: I pity hostile Law Business owners
[6:27 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Time will fade them out of relevance
[6:27 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: This is a movement of successful lawyers
[6:28 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Of people who believe that to be a lawyer is not a signatory to poverty
[6:28 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: People who will be socially relevant yet economically powerful
[6:28 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: People who will prove that wisdom sits finely with wealth
[6:29 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: And intelligence should not be averse to economic success
[6:29 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: I wish we all could contribute
[6:29 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: And share our experience of a visionless Law Business
[6:29 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: And share the expectations the work can have of them when they truly own the Law Business
[6:30 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: #whyshouldibebroke
[6:30 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: #ifYouNoGetMoniWetinYouGain
[6:30 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: We need to begin to decide to be the difference we seek
[6:31 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: We need to begin to rehearse the role we will play
[6:31 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Your Law business began at your call
[6:31 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Leadership is a duty already on you

[6:32 PM, 2/19/2020] +234 703 228 **** I have observed over the years that young lawyers with paid employment in Law firms are not as bothered with low pay as they are much more bothered with the slavery-like employment.
The owner of the firm being bossy, arresting their time is more hated to them than the low income cos time itself is money
[6:32 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Apt
[6:32 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Time is life
[6:32 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Treasure whoever gives you time

[6:33 PM, 2/19/2020] +234 806 371 ****: Very true

[6:34 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Just before closing let me invite you to get ready for the Most Prestigious Sport event for Nigerian lawyers. Attendance is free. But if you intend to take a chance at the Prize, you’ll need to register as shown above.
[6:34 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: The event will make sense and I invite you to be present
[6:35 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Thinking is key to the trade of Lawyers and Chess is the game of thinkers
[6:35 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: Our time is now over
We will be there? register through this website:

[6:39 PM, 2/19/2020] Mr. Charles 2: I thank you so much for your time and contributions. Please share quotes, screen shots and feel free to invite friends.

We shall open Group 2 soon as this group is almost full.

And please remember, that if it pleases God, I will offer myself to serve as National Assistant Publicity Secretary of the NBA later this year. I hope it will please you to give me some love.

Enjoy the rest of your night.

Charles Ajiboye,Esq.,FICMC
Partner, The Penthouse Law
Publicity Secretary,NBA Ikeja Branch
Former Chairman,NBA-YLF Ikeja

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