The general understanding is that ship otherwise called a vessel is a means of voyage on sea or ocean from one country to another or within jurisdiction; it is a means of transportation of goods and passengers. However, it is important to know that ship goes beyond this particularly when it comes to the existence, recognition and operation of ship in any country of its entry or exit.
Also, ship is not just a means of voyage on sea; it enjoys legal personality status and nationality upon registration. Further to this, ship is likened to land when it comes to registration, asserting ownership over same, divesting one’s interest or right on it to another person and (or) using it as a means of mortgage transaction.
However, ship is far beyond land or property as it is considered a juristic personality capable of being sued in maritime claims. On that premise, this article examines the registration, sale and transfer of ship in Nigeria as well as how to create and enforce mortgage on ship.
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