For Muslims partaking in the ongoing Ramadan, there are things to note that don’t nullify or spoil the fast.
1. Involuntary vomiting. Abu Hurayra reported that the prophet had said “He who is overcome by vomiting shall not make restitution”.
2. The cupping of blood from the head. Thabit Al Bannani asked Anas Iba Malik : “Did the Prophet forbid head bleeding for the person who fasts ?” Anas said : “Not unless a person is weak”.
3. Wet Dreams. The Prophet is reported to have said that “a man’s fast is not spoiled for in voluntary vomiting or wet dreams.”
4. Unintentional eating or drinking. The Prophet said : “Allah forgives my people for acts committed by mistake, or out of absent mindedness, and acts performed under compulsion.” He also said that, “a man who fasts and who absent mindedly eats or drinks shall continue his fast.”
5. Rinsing the mouth and bathing in an attempt to reduce the effect of the summer heat. One of the Prophet’s companions reported that he used “to see the Prophet pour water on his head while he was fasting”.
6. If a man gets up in the morning in a state of ritual uncleanliness it does not affect his fast.
7. A man who eats, drinks or sleeps with his wife thinking that it is still before dawn. The same applies if he thinks that it is after sunset. There are two opinions in this respect:
(a) The fast is valid, for Allah said: “You are not to blame for what you do by mistake, but you are for premeditated acts”.
Zayd Ibn Wahb is reported to have said: “People broke the fast during the time of Omar Ibn al-Khattab I have seen water vessels, brought from the house of Hafsa, from which the people drank. Immediately, the sun appeared from behind a cloud. The people wanted to fast another day in restitution, but Omar intervened. “Why ?” he asked. “By Allah, we did not mean any wrong”.
(b) The other school of thought makes restitution imperative.
Kohl does not spoil the fast. The Prophet is reported to have used it while fasting in Ramadan.
The rule about Kohl applies to eye drops ,eye drops, or nose drops even if they reach the throat. This rule also covers snuff, road dust, intravenous, muscular, or subcutaneous injections. Some scholars have included enema under this heading because it comes out again, drawing forth that which it is intended that it draws out. The rule even applies to the smelling of strange scents, to chewing gum, or tasting food, provided nothing of it reaches the stomach. Abu Muhammad Ibn Hazm summed it up as follows:
“Allah forbade us, during the fast, from eating, drinking, sexual intercourse, deliberate vomiting and sins. We know of no food or drink which could be consumed through the anus, urethra, ear, eye, nose from a wound in the abdomen or head. Apart from food and drink we are not prohibited from letting anything reach the stomach”.
Source:The nation