Three Guards In Police Net For Stealing Iron Rods


Three members of a security and vigilance group in Muwo, Ojo, Lagos State, were on Tuesday apprehended in the act of stealing iron rods from a construction site.
Relating the incident to newsmen onWednesday, Mr Adio Hassan, chairman of the Muwo Community Residents Association, said that the suspects were arrested at about 2 a.m., while loading the iron rods into a truck.
He said, “Some residents who observed the suspects while committing the crime alerted another vigilance group on patrol in the area.
“On getting to the building construction site, the vigilance group caught three of their members loading a large quantity of 16mm iron rods into a waiting truck and promptly arrested them.”
“It is true we commissioned them to secure the area, but as humans, we cannot read the minds of others,” as a way of explaining the flaw in the arrangement of guards becing thieves.
The suspects have been turned over to the police, Ojo Division, for further investigation and prosecution.
Source : Independent 


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