Two wrongs cannot make a right. Violence can never be used to eradicate violence without leaving its trademark of anguish, sorrow, pain, bitterness, regrets, hatred, commotion and backwardness. What does it cost to avoid violence? It costs nothing other that FORGIVENESS and LOVE. Forgiveness: If we all learn to forgive one another we will have less bitterness in us, we will have no cause to plot evil against our neighbors. In as much as no one has the right to illegitimately deprive us of our basic fundamental human rights, where this occurs, we shouldn’t take law into our hands. We should learn to allow God / (&) justice intervene. Love: Where there’s love, there’s happiness, joy, tranquility and orderliness amongst several other positive vibes. The vital medium of attaining PEACE is by shunning violence. This would require us to FORGIVE & LOVE our neighbors. There’s no other major alternative than these two things. This world would definitely be a better place if only we allow PEACE to reign. There’s no greater fulfilment any community can attain other than PEACE. A country may be very powerful and financially buoyant but without Peace, other good things cannot be enjoyed. Kayode Agbedejobi – Legal Nigeria #ShunViolence #EmbracePeace #Forgive #AllowGod #AllowJustice #America #dallas #Nigeria #LegalNigeria #forbes #CNN #NTA


Two wrongs cannot make a right. Violence can never be used to eradicate violence without leaving its trademark of anguish, sorrow, pain, bitterness, regrets, hatred, commotion and backwardness. What does it cost to avoid violence? It costs nothing other that FORGIVENESS and LOVE. Forgiveness: If we all learn to forgive one another we will have less bitterness in us, we will have no cause to plot evil against our neighbors. In as much as no one has the right to illegitimately deprive us of our basic fundamental human rights, where this occurs, we shouldn’t take law into our hands. We should learn to allow God / (&) justice intervene. Love: Where there’s love, there’s happiness, joy, tranquility and orderliness amongst several other positive vibes. The vital medium of attaining PEACE is by shunning violence. This would require us to FORGIVE & LOVE our neighbors. There’s no other major alternative than these two things. This world would definitely be a better place if only we allow PEACE to reign. There’s no greater fulfilment any community can attain other than PEACE. A country may be very powerful and financially buoyant but without Peace, other good things cannot be enjoyed. Kayode Agbedejobi – Legal Nigeria #ShunViolence #EmbracePeace #Forgive #AllowGod #AllowJustice #America #dallas #Nigeria #LegalNigeria #forbes #CNN #NTA via


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