As a team player in the quest for a more vibrant NBA, I can assist the General Secretary in taking charge of the National Secretariat. Looking at the functions of the General Secretary, below is my vision.
‘My Uncommon-Vision’
To help redefine the future of our great Association, I believe I can effectively support the General Secretary with the enormous task of running the affairs of the National Secretariat which most definitely requires a capable, innovative, visionary, resourceful and result-oriented assistant.
There is no doubt that the world has gone digital, the NBA National Secretariat should not be left out in the globalization, particularly with the emergence of the dreaded Covid-19 pandemic which is the defining global health crisis of our time and one of the greatest challenges the world has faced since world war II, countries are competing to slow the spread of the virus by limiting travels, cancelling large gatherings etc.
The NBA has also keyed into this, the Technical Committee on Conference Planning and even the Section on Business law have both proposed virtual Annual General Conferences , especially that of the NBA in celebration of its 60th year anniversary festivity.
This is as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, this is the new normal, our association has embraced it, and the Secretariat must equally embrace the extant Covid-19 and post-Covid-19 era and consider same in the transmission and dissemination of information amongst all members.
Technology has its remarkable and numerous benefits which if fully taken advantage of by goal-oriented groups, through info-tech oriented officers, will yield positive results.
It is quite surprising, how lawyers now have to rely heavily on the numerous legal online-bloggers for the dissemination of legal, judicial and even our association’s information. The National Secretariat of the association itself, its various fora, numerous branches, several committees now trust greatly on the services of these online bloggers to have their information conveyed to her members, hence they have become part of the NBA system.
We must give it to all the online bloggers for a job well done, keeping us abreast with the news of our association, its 125 branches, sections and committees etc. However, It is now time for the NBA to be the proper channel for the dissemination of vital information and details on branch activities, section activities, conferences, election related matters et al that would reach members fast, and first from the heart of the NBA Secretariat through its official NBA BlogSpot. These information can also be accessed by bloggers for publication on various platform of theirs.
Sensitive information should get to members on time, every time at the speed of lightening first from its official online blog. This will be achieved not by creating a new and independent official website for this sole purpose, but by creating, or putting into active use, a Blog section on the NBA official website.
If elected as Assistant General Secretary, I will in agreement with the General Secretary canvass for the activation of the Official NBA Blog-spot [ONB], which will boost the image of the association, create job for young lawyers as content creators and also generate income for the association from paid advert.