I rejoice with my Muslim brothers and sisters in Nigeria and across the globe on the occasion of the successful completion of this year’s annual Ramadan fasting.
Happy Id-el fitri to you all. May the Choicest Blessing of Allah fill your lives with Peace, Joy and Prosperity.
May the aftermath of the sacrifice bring abundant blessings of Allah into your lives and homes.
I therefore use this occasion to call on all Muslims to pray against the pandemic ravaging the global community and to dedicate themselves to the service of Almighty Allah.
I further entreat you to abide by the safety measures against spread of the virus as stipulated by Nigerian Centre for Disease Control [NCDC], and other health experts.
The coronavirus pandemic should not make us lose focus as a people with common destiny.
As mere mortals, we cannot achieve anything by our wisdom and strength,but with prayers and determination.
As a country and global nation, we can collectively overcome our challenges and live a peaceful life together as one.
May Allah accept your sacrifices.
Happy Eid Mubarak.
Uchenna Nwadialo