WEBINAR: Wole Olanipekun & Co. To Hold #WOCJusticeSummit On “Developing An Institutional Concept Of Justice In Nigeria” 22nd August, 2020


In the words of James Baldwin, “If one really wishes to know how justice is administered in a country, one does not question the policemen, the lawyers, the judges, or the protected members of the middle class. One goes to the unprotected–those, precisely, who need the law’s protection most!–and listens to their testimony.”     
In Nigeria particularly, with multiple setbacks and inadequacies plaguing the Nigerian Justice System, there has become a growing need for a panacea. This is made more pressing by the clogs experienced by varying degrees of COVID – 19 lockdown and post – pandemic uncertainties that are sure to come.
On Saturday, 22nd August, 2020, key stakeholders in the Justice Sector will be meeting to discuss “Developing An Institutional Concept of Justice in Nigeria”. Attending this event is crucial to stakeholders in the justice sector who want a turn – around in the Nigerian Justice system.
Special Guests at the event include His Excellency, the Vice – President of Nigeria, Prof. Yemi Osibajo GCON, SAN; Prof. Fidelis Oditah QC, SAN; Yemi Candice – Johnson SAN; Boma Alabi; Prof. Pat Utomi and Brie Stevens – Hoare, QC. The event will be moderated by Bode Olanipekun SAN, Managing Partner, Wole Olanipekun and Co.
Register for the event immediately via this Zoom link https://bit.ly/3aazQnS   and stream live on Youtube via this link http://bit.ly/Youtubewocjusticesummit

Looking forward to engaging with you at the event.


  1. I look forward to this webinar, i think the greatest problem to administration of Justice in Nigeria is the delay in Justice delivery, we need specialised Courts, we need the States to have their Courts of Appeals and their Supreme Courts. The current Court of Appeal should only take appeals from Federal Courts, Supreme Court should only take Appeals from Federal Courts of Appeals on strictly Federal Jurisdiction. We need a Constitutional Court that will take Election related cases.


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