Legal Nigeria


Indeed, democracy could have gained prominence from the Greek polity, and today spreading into the fabrics of many nations of the world, yet the major players and actors have been the male counterpart with little or no participation of the female counterpart.

Today, liberal democracy seeks to flatten the curve of negative beliefs, and dump same into the waste bin of history the Aristotelianbelief: “ equals should be treated as equals, and unequals as unequals ”

Today, thanks to liberal democracy, George Orwell’s belief, “all animals are born equal, but some are more equal than the others”, has been a nightmare not to remember.

Today’s democracy will certainly water down De Braxton’s belief that the world is governed by law or man, hence extending the definition of “man” to include woman with equal and unfettered opportunities.

Today, all above have been made possible by democratic laws, norms, conventions, customs, jus cogen and international treaties.

In the NBA, and Nigeria by extension, there is no doubt that female participation in politics is low, notwithstanding their quality and capacity in the male populated race to lead the Bar in various offices.

Our fundamental rights and the rule of law are inseparably interwoven– indeed, one cannot exist without the other. Therefore, we must not relent in advocating for and promoting the rule of law(equality), as it is the bedrock upon which the NBA was established.

Thus, today’s Democracy Day should be a wake-up call for the women with quality and capacity to lead in various offices of the NBA. It is also a clarion call for men to support these women who have these capacity and quality; thus:

” truly remarkable leadership is not just about motivating others to follow, it’s about inspiring them to become leaders themselves and setting the stage for even greater opportunities for future generations.”
Per~Condoleezza Rice (Former US Secretary of State)

Since 1980s, our NBA ELECTIONS at the national level had low female participations; NBA 2020 election is in weeks, I personally believe the jinx should be broken and our female lawyers with good track-record, capacity and quality, should be supported to pursue the dreams of NBA in any capacity; hence: *All our dreams can come true if we have the* *courage* *To pursue them** . *Per~Walt Disney.*

Thus, I would humbly submit that, democracy celebrated in Nigeria today should span through our minds, we work together to give our women with vision the voice they all deserve; let posterity beckon on us with right-hand that we did the right thing by supporting the visions of our women come NBA ELECTION NEXT MONTH, 2020. Remember, “ leadership is not about you; it’s about investing in the growth of others .” Per~ Ken Blanchard. " In the immutable words of *STEVE JOBS:* If you are working on something that you really care about, You don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you. "

Let’s join hands and do great things for our women, and “… all the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honour, duty, mercy, hope, vision, etc .” per~ Winston Churchill.

By~ Ama Ukpeh Esq .

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