Here Comes The Year of Victory and Celebrations – My Heart Is Filled With Gratitude – Adesina Adegbite,FICMC

Adesina Adegbite,FICMC

It’s been 12 months goodness and grace. We started the year on a very bleak note, owing to the unpleasant experience of the global pestilence and lockdown in 2020; but despite renewed attacks by COVID-19 through the Delta and Omicron variants, 2021 indeed to the glory of God brought great relief to the world, and Nigeria was no exception. It is my fervent prayer that 2022 shall be our year of total recovery, great exploits and sustained prosperity.

My deepest gratitude is to the God Almighty who has blessed me with great and loving people. My great appreciation therefore, to all my friends, families, colleagues (seniors, contemporaries and juniors) and well wishers who have been my pillars of support over the years and specifically in 2021. I owe my strength, confidence and positive aspirations to your unalloyed support, encouragement and loyalty. I cannot and shall not take your support for granted. As a mortal, I am not infallible, therefore, should I have in the course of the year lowered my guard in anyway, please be kind to forgive my shortcomings and inadvertence. You all are my inspirators and backbones. God bless you all.

I look forward to a greater working relationship with you in the New Year, as 2022 shall be our year of collective victory and celebrations. May I therefore, reassure you, that, I shall not betray your confidence in me.

I thank you once again for your support even as I solicit for greater support and prayers, as we go into the New Year. May it be an exceedingly professionally productive year for us all.

It Is Our Year of Victory and Celebrations!

Happy New Year My People!

Adesina Adegbite, FICMC (AA)


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